The PGL Wallachia Season 2 is the first tournament played on the 7.37d. This patch, released after the International 2024 (TI13), consist of nerfs, buffs and more importantly, changes in item and hero facets.

But which are the best heroes on the current Dota 2 patch? We’ve put together a shortlist of the very best Dota 2 heroes as played by the pros at PGL Wallachia Season 2. This based on win/loss performance and pick rate.

Best Dota 2 Heroes From PGL Wallachia by Picks and Bans

With over 60 games played by Dota 2 pro teams at the PGL Wallachia S2, these are the best Dota 2 heroes from PGL Wallachia to pick for your next Dota 2 ranked game.

5. Dark Willow

Image Credit: Valve

Kicking off the list is Dark Willow. The fae trickster is  a solid support pick for good reason. Dark Willow has a versatile skillset, comprising of multiple disables, a harassing nuke and a survival skill. In a Dota 2 meta where Luna’s ultimate and Pangolier’s Rolling Thunder are a threat to supports, Dark Willow manages to survive fights and support her teammates, all while doing damage and providing utility. And like all great supports (such as those later on the list), she’s a damage dealing monster in the late game.

Dark Willow survived the test of time in patch 7.37d even by the best Dota 2 support heroes’ standards.

4. Luna

Image Credit: Valve

Another great hero in the current meta is Luna as a hard carry pick. Although Luna did receive considerable nerf to her Lucent Beam in the latest patch, she still remains an overall great hard carry pick in 7.37d.

This comes from Luna’s skillset, comprising of both magic and physical damage output. With Moon Glaives and her innate ability, Lunar Blessing, offering physical damage bonus it’s difficult to pass up on such a versatile pick. We’d bet on any Dota 2 team with Luna carry pick.

3. Enchantress

Image Credit: Valve

Arguably the most impactful meta shift in patch 7.37d was the nerfs on various aura-providing items. This includes Pipe of Insight, Solar Crest, and Crimson Guard, which had become a staple for offlane heroes to buy.

As such, pros are relying on Enchantress’ ability to control jungle creeps that offer aura as an alternative. Additionally, another Enchantress perk is her durability, which comes from her healing and passive that slows auto-attacks, making her a team fight hero that stays relevant into the late game. And like Dark Willow can deal some potent damage to boot.

2. Pangolier

Image Credit: Valve

Speaking of team fights, Pangolier needs no introduction for his notorious Rolling Thunder ultimate. Getting caught on the wrong side of the terrain will allow Pangolier to perma-stun even the highest net-worth carry hero.

Considering how disruptive Pangolier is, especially in team fights, and the hero’s low cooldown on his ultimate, make this pangolin a difficult opponent to win fights against. Couple this with his innate ability, which makes enemy item and ability effects near him have a lower chance of affecting him and we have a hero that literally can’t be stopped in fights.

1. Clockwerk

Best Dota 2 hero from PGL Wallachia S2 – Clockwerk Dota 2 (Image credit: Dota 2)

Dota 2 is great and balanced because even the most annoying hero has a counter – and Pangolier has a major counter. Meet Clockwerk, the antithesis of Pangolier’s skills.

Clockwerk’s Power Cogs behave similarly to cliffs for Pangolier’s Rolling Thunder, which is troublesome if he gets caught in or around the cogs. This cause Pangolier to waste precious seconds of Rolling Thunder, and oftentimes render him obsolete in crucial fights.

Furthermore, like all great position four support heroes, Clockwerk is as versatile as it gets. He has the aforementioned cogs (that a skilled player can get creative with), a disable, and an ability to provide global vision, and, of course, his Hookshot – a dangerous initiation ability that can turn the tides of a fight when executed properly.

PGL Wallachia S2 has offered an eye-opening perspective on the current Dota 2 meta, which has shifted since TI13. Frankly, the patch 7.37d is one of the better balancing patches we have gotten in a while (especially as Icefrog eliminated the Mirana and Windranger meta).