With both teams standing at 1-1, T1 and BLG will brawl it out to see in Round 3 of the Worlds Swiss stage. It’s the LPL vs LCK showdown: who will come out victorious? Let’s break it all down in our preview.
Image Credit: Adela Sznajder/Riot Games
T1 vs BLG – set to break viewership record?
After the first day of Round 3, which saw Gen.G and LNG lock in the first tickets to the Knockout stage in Paris, it’s time for the eight 1-1 teams to fight it off in a heated Sunday. And what better way to start it than with one of the most anticipated matches between T1 and BLG?
For both these teams, getting the win would be vital. This is not only because it would get them closer to a top 8 qualification but also because of the ongoing rivalry between LPL and LCK. Considering T1 is the most popular team when it comes to drawing viewership and BLG the #1 seed from China, we might witness a new viewership record for the Swiss stage, breaking the previous one from Day 1.
With this in mind, let’s see what these two teams have been up to this tournament.
Match Breakdown
BLG unexpectedly dropped against LNG despite getting the advantage early on. The main reason for the loss, however, can be attributed to their draft preparation rather than gameplay mistakes: based on the current meta, BLG hasn’t been able to capitalize on the power picks and has rather stuck to comfort play. On top of that, Knight has proved once again he can’t really shine on a champion like Orianna, who he has notoriously struggled with throughout his career.
We have to see what adjustments they have brought in for the series but BLG’s potential should be higher than the one seen against LNG.
T1, on the other hand, have already learned from their loss against TES and have been drafting more towards the meta in the second match against PNG. Having said that, it’s hard to rate them considering they were going against the CBLOL team. The general impression is that the team needs to figure out ways to improve their teamfighting as it was quite messy in the match against TES. Expecting ADCs with poke like Jhin and Kai’Sa to be high in priority, with Yone, Rumble, and Vi also pick-or-ban in the draft phase.
Overall, BLG is still probably favored based on how good they are in the teamfighting later in the game. Regardless of the outcome, the game will be bloody and fans are guaranteed to get a banger.