Fortnitemares is here, bringing new items to the loot pool but also some new charters on the map. The most exciting of these right now is Mephisto. Marvel’s version of the devil has descended onto the Battle Royale map. With so many POIs turned into Halloween versions, where is Mephisto in Fortnite? His location makes sense for his lore, but might not be where you’d expect.

Rather than being placed into one of the new Halloween POIs, Mephisto in Fortnite has taken up residence in the older spots on the map. However, he’s brought new life to a pretty dead Fortnite landing spot. Where is Mephisto in Fortnite and what can the character do for you once you find him?

Source: Epic

Where is Mephisto in Fortnite?

Mephisto in Fortnite has been added in-game with the latest update. He isn’t located in one of the Marvel POIs though, or even the Halloween areas added in the latest Fortnite update. He’s instead been placed in an older POI that’s been changed for two seasons.

You can now find Mephisto in the Underworld. Thematically, it makes sense for the devil to be hanging out in the land of the dead. There are some minor changes to this POI to accommodate him, along with the green soul water being turned red. That’s where you can find Mephisto in Fortnite.

His exact location in the POI is where Hades used to sit. He’s rolled in and taken over his old throne. This throne room is in the back of the POI, in the largest building’s main hall.

Source: Epic

What Does Mephisto Do in Fortnite?

Going to find Mephisto, you’ll be greeted with some unique options for an NPC. For one thing, he has some unique dialogue with certain Marvel skins, great if you’re following Fortnite lore this season. You can also sell your soul in exchange for a random gun, which costs 20 HP. You can also trade 99 HP to reboot your squad, great for bigger team games.