In Counter-Strike 2, Overpass is one of the most challenging maps tactically. It has tons of verticality and many different ways for Ts to fake out where they’re going and confuse the CTs. That’s why it’s essential to know your CS2 Overpass callouts. You need to be able to instantly call out where the opponents are coming from on both sides – those extra seconds can be the difference between winning and losing.

New CS2 update

Communication is arguably the most important element to success on any CS2 map, and Overpass is certainly no exception. Saying “over there” won’t help your teammates, and will almost certainly annoy them if you do it consistently. Read on to discover the best Overpass CS2 callouts on both the CT and T sides.

Overpass CS2 CT Callouts

The most important CS2 Overpass callouts you should know as a CT are:

  • Long
  • Toilets
  • Rock
  • Fountain
  • Playground
  • Lower Tunnels
  • Squeaky
  • B Short
  • Monster

In most CS2 Overpass matches, these are the areas you’ll generally see Ts coming from every single round. That’s why you’ve got to learn the callouts!

Overpass CS2 T Callouts

On the T-side, the most important CS2 Overpass callouts are:

  • Truck
  • Van
  • Bank
  • Trash
  • Long Boost
  • Tree
  • Balloons
  • Connector
  • Pit
  • Barrels
  • Pillar
  • B Short
  • ABC / Graffiti
  • Sewer

These are all areas where you would reasonably expect to find a CT hiding somewhere, which, obviously, you’ll need to communicate to your teammates. It never hurts to know all the Overpass CS2 callouts, but if you want to deal particular damage on the T-side, make sure to brush up on the above calls.

So, we’ve gone through the Overpass callouts for both sides above, but where do they actually correlate on the map? Check out our Overpass callouts map below to know your Monster from your Balloons.

CS2 Overpass Callouts

While Overpass isn’t in CS2 Premier at the moment, it’s worth remembering that it’s likely to come back in at some point in the future. We think it’s worth jumping into a Competitive Overpass match every now and then, just to keep some of these callouts fresh in your mind. You don’t want to be caught off guard when Valve brings Overpass back into the map pool.