Fighting games have a lot of mechanics, including quite a few under the surface. One of those in some games is Sweet Spots. This mechanic can mean extra damage to a lot of fighters, but players might not even know about it. A MultiVersus sweet spot can be especially confusing for players.
Unlike most fighters, MultiVersus is free-to-play with a whole system of quests to earn points and get through the pass. Sometimes these quests can task players with hitting a sweet spot. What exactly does it mean though? While a little confusing, it’s not too complicated of a task. Learning how to make the most of sweet spots can even help you improve in fighting games if you can master the spacing.
What is a MultiVersus Sweet Spot?
In fighters like MultiVersus Smash Bros, sweet spots are a special mechanic that gives bonus damage to some moves. In theory, it rewards very exact spacing and positioning. A move will have a sweet spot (or a sour spot), making contact with an enemy in this sweet spot does more damage.
One of the most well-known is Smash Sword fighters getting bonus damage on the tip of their sword. Hitting people with the sharpest point will do more damage than the general blade hitbox. The same principle applies to loads of moves in MultiVersus. Line your move up properly so the visuals match how an attack would really connect, and you’ll be able to deal extra damage.
How can you hit the MultiVersus sweet spot when you’re trying though? There are quite a few moves that have easier-to-hit spots. Both Harly Quinn and Wonder Woman’s up moves have their furthest reaching point as a sweet spot. Get a player up in the air with one of these and you should manage to hit the MultiVersus sweet spot. Some of the best MultiVersus characters make use of this mechanic.
Consistency in Sweet Spots
When this quest pops up, using the characters you have better spacing with will probably make it a bit easier. Some of the fighters like Finn with clearly defined weapons work here too.
Not just the quests though, using the sweet spot mechanic can give you an advantage in gameplay. If you can perfect your spacing, you’ll be able to deal extra damage throughout matches. You won’t hit it every time, but getting the spacing down can even help you climb MultiVersus ranked mode once you figure it out.
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