Best Nami counters in LoL

If you are struggling against Nami in LoL, find out which are the best counters you must play to win more games this season.

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Nami counters in LoL – the top three picks

Whenever Nami has a strong presence in the meta, she is always one of the most picked champions. Her ability to provide heals, crowd control, and extra damage for her allies makes her an ideal enchanter support for many bot lane matchups.

Her popularity also means that she will often be playing against you so knowing what champions to play against her is essential. In this guide, we will be going over the three best Nami counters in the game so you are aware of what to pick going forward.

If you’re fairly new to the game, check out our guide on how counter picks work in League of Legends. You will understand why counter picks are important, and how you need to take advantage of them to increase your win rate. Make sure to also understand how classes counter one another in LoL so you always know what to pick in each game.

Leona – the best counter

Leona is currently the best engage support in the game so it’s not surprising to see her perform well against an enchanter champion like Nami. As long as you are able to find a pick and lock her down, Nami’s chances of survival are going to be extremely slim.

Image Credit: Riot Games

Senna – the enchanter counter

If you want to have an enchanter instead of a beefy tank support, then Senna is currently your best shot. Thanks to her new item build and long-range ability, she has little issue matching Nami during the laning phase. Her passive, however, will guarantee better scaling, making her stronger as the game goes longer.

Bard – the enchanter alternative

Nami can often fight back with her abilities if she is engaged on. But with a champion like Bard, there won’t be much she can do to run away. As long as you can lock her down with the ultimate, Nami is basically guaranteed to die. Not to mention that Bard has much stronger roaming potential. It takes a while to master this champion but he’s definitely one of the best counters to Nami in LoL.

Worst Nami counters

Renata Glasc – the worst matchup

While Renata Glasc can be picked with the right ADCs, I’m generally not a good fan of her when facing Nami. She is quite an immobile champion so Nami can hit her abilities with ease. The main difference is Renata’s lack of healing in her kit, which makes her much weaker in the early game trades.

Rell – too easy to read

While Rell can find engage opportunities onto the enemy team, her lack of mobility makes her an easy target for Nami to lock down with her crowd controls. Moreover, the enchanter support can disrupt her movements with the ultimate so it’s an overall tough matchup to play.

How do you counter Nami with the items?

If you don’t want to waste time on LoL and lose again and again, you’ll need to think about items too. When going up against Janna, it’s recommended to stack a mix of armor and health. Below is a list of items to build you should consider, based on the class of champion you’re playing:

Bruisers: Executioner’s Calling, Chempunk Chainsword
AD assassins: Serpent’s Fang, Youmuu’s Ghostblade
ADC champions: Mortal Reminder
AP champions: Morellonomicon
Tanks: Mercury’s Treads, Trailblazer, Dead Man’s Plate

What Champion counters Nami?

The three best counters are Leona, Senna, and Bard. Other strong counters include Maokai, Blitzcrank, and Zyra.

Does Nautilus counter Nami?

While Nautilus has easy access to locking down Nami with his hook or ultimate, Nami can fight back most of the time with her Q and ultimate. It’s mainly a skill matchup of who can hit which ability and how the two bot lanes perform across the laning phase. Playing strong synergizing champions like Lucian definitely increases Nami’s chances of victory against a champion like Nautilus.

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