Brawl Stars announced its collaboration with SpongeBob in the latest Brawl Talk. With this collaboration, a lot of new additions have been made to the game. The collaboration has brought with it the SpongeBob Club Selection event. This event requires you to work with your Clubmates to get the SpongeBob El Primo skin. Here is how you can get SpongeBob El Primo in Brawl Stars for Free.

Image Credits: Supercell

How To Get SpongeBob El Primo in Brawl Stars

The SpongeBob Club Selection event will give you a lot of rewards, but you will have to collect Krusty Kash. To take part in the event, you will have to reach at least 400 trophies in a club. If you are not a part of the club, you easily make one with your friends. Just spend 1000 coins to make a club and ask your friends to join in.

To Kusty Kash event will help you earn enough Krusty Kash for your club and once you log in for the first time in the day, you can get Krusty Kash from the in-game Shop. In addition to this, you will also be able to get Krusty Kash by winning games that have the Krusty Kash icon. Keep in mind that you will only be able to get them on your first win of the day. Once you have collected 400k Krusty Kash, you will be able to get your hands on the El Primo SpongeBob skin.

However, you can also get other rewards once you have collected 50K, 100K, 200K, and 300K Krusty Kash. Furthermore, you will also be able to get SpongeBob Power-Ups with the help of Krusty Kash. These Power-Ups will give the brawler you choose extra power, which will help eliminate the enemies quickly. Once you have collected enough Krusty Kash for the skin, you can start collecting some for the Power-Ups.

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