Many VALORANT players prefer to play the game on stretched resolution (4:3) to enlarge the hitbox. While you can easily achieve that if you own an NVIDIA GPU, AMD graphic card users face difficulty as their software shows black bars instead of stretched screen in the game. If you’re also frustrated with this issue, we’ll walk you through steps to easily get stretched resolution on an AMD graphics card for VALORANT.

How to get stretched resolution in VALORANT with an AMD GPU?

Image Credits: Riot Games

Step 1:

First, download WinEXP from the Nirsoft website and we’ll use it later. Next, launch your AMD Radeon software and create the best-stretched resolution for VALORANT such as 1024×768 or 1280×960. Make sure your refresh rate and timings are correct—use a calculator if necessary. If changing the refresh rate to 143Hz instead of 144Hz helps, adjust it.

Image Credits: AMD

Save your new resolution, then go to your scaling mode and set it to “Full Panel” to make it stretch. Ensure your desktop resolution is set to its native setting.

Step 2:

Launch VALORANT, go to the settings, set it to full screen, choose your native resolution, and set the aspect ratio to “Fill.” Apply these settings, then switch to windowed mode and apply it again.

Image Credits: Riot Games

Now, go to your Windows settings, change it to your custom resolution, and accept the changes. Your screen might go black briefly. Change your refresh rate to the highest one available, usually 144Hz or higher, and apply it.

Step 3:

Run WinEXP as an administrator, select VALORANT, and uncheck “dlg frame” and “Border” under Style, and also uncheck “Size and Position.” Make sure “Maximized” is checked. Your VALORANT should now be stretched.

Image Credits: Riot Games

In-game, the character models will appear stretched. This method is only bannable in tournaments because it gives an advantage, but VALORANT itself won’t ban you for using it as it’s just a resolution change, not cheating.

When you log off and close VALORANT, your resolution will stay as set. But each time you relaunch VALORANT, you’ll need to switch back to your native resolution, then follow the steps to get it back to stretched mode. It takes a couple of minutes each time, but it can improve your gameplay. Also, check out the best VALORANT setup to upgrade your skills.