The Fortnite reload glitch is something pretty much everyone experienced at one point. You’re in a tense fight, you peak, have your angles perfect, and you go to fire and your weapon has begun reloading by itself instead of shooting. The glitch is one of the more persistent. It first popped up a while ago and has gone back and forth from the game since. It most recently popped up earlier in Chapter 5.

Why does the Fortnite Reload Glitch happen? If you’re in a decisive end game in Fortnite Ranked, it can be particularly frustrating. Is there anything you can do to avoid the glitch and how can you fix it?

Source: Epic

What is the Fortnite Reload Glitch?

The glitch is a common problem when a weapon will begin to reload itself instead of shooting when you click to fire. It’s a particularly prominent weapon which has affected loads of different weapons over the seasons. It seems to occur across modes too. Although, we’re yet to see the Reload Glitch pop up on Fortnite Reload ironically enough.

What can be particularly annoying is how randomly this occurs. You can’t really predict it, so it’ll always seem to happen at the worst possible times! Like when you’re in an important end game. However, there isn’t really any rhythm or reason to it. It seems to happen particularly to weapons with an extended mag from the mod system, which can be avoided. Is there anything you can do about reloading instead of shooting though?

How Can You Fix or Avoid It?

To fix the Fortnite Reload Glitch, you’ve really just got to wait for a patch. Basically, when it occurs the only thing that you can do is switch weapons and try to deal with it. The bigger fix, is to wait for Epic to fix it.

The Fortnite Reload glitch has popped up more than once. However, it’s usually fixed pretty quickly. Annoying if they’re on a break, but they’re rare. The glitch usually goes away with a Fortnite patch or two. It doesn’t seem to be in the game right now either, but it could raise its head again in the future.