Fortnite has kicked off a new season. It means time to explore the new POIs, master the weapons, and figure out the meta. That’s before we get into the Fortnite C5 S4 tournaments. These esports events are what all that grinding is for. Although, maybe Crown Royale wins too. What events are we expecting over this season of the game?

There’s quite a decent spread of tournaments this season. The big event is our version of the FNCS that’s happening, an international LAN to round off Chapter 5 and 2024 esports events. That’s where all the best Fortnite players will compete. However, it isn’t just the big tournaments we’re expecting this season. Epic holds tons of smaller events throughout the calendar, with chances for players to win cash prizes. What’s on the horizon for tournaments this season?

Source: Epic Games

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4 Tournaments

Across the next few months, we’re going to see some major events being held in-game. To start with, Epic has these minor cups named after skins in the game. While these have no rank requirements, they’re mainly being held as players test out all the new gear. Outside of that, we’ll have our normal spread of cups in-game. These are the events being held:

Solo Victory Cash Cups

Regularly throughout the season, we’ll see these Victory Cups held. They’re Fortnite tournaments played in game where cash is awarded for winning a Victory Royale. That’s the only prize but as solo events, these have unique tactics and strategies in play.

Reload Victory Cash Cups

One major change with the Fortnite C5 S4 tournaments is the Reload events. We saw an early test of Fortnite Reload tournaments, but they’re part of the full spread of events this season. These are also Victory Cups, meaning only the winning players in each game get a prize.

Source: Epic Games

Cash Cups

The calendar of Fortnite events wouldn’t be complete without old-fashioned Cash Cups! However, they’ve changed over the years. While there are Victory Cups too now, these are still events where players compete in single sessions with prizes for the top teams on the leaderboard. These have been fun side events throughout Fortnite’s competitive history. They might not have the prestige of FNCS Majors but they’re an important warm-up.

Reload Cash Cups

Just like we’re getting Victory Cups for both sides of the game, there’s Reload Cash Cups too. However, events are separated out by Platform, so there are more chances to win.

Ranked Cups

The final smaller Fortnite C5 S4 tournaments are Ranked Cups. These Fortnite events are tournaments that give away prizes, although mainly cosmetics. They’re a fun way to get involved in events if you’re an up-and-coming Fortnite esports player.

Global Championship

The biggest event is the FNCS Global Championship. A three-day tournament where you’ll see the winners from each of the Fortnite Chapter 5 FNCS Majors come together in a single lobby. These end of year LANs are the height of competitive Fortnite. This year’s event will take place over September 7-8th, so quite an early one considering when this season ends.

Source: Epic Games

Champion’s Road Fortnite C5 S4 Tournaments Quests

One major change for the Fortnite C5 S4 tournaments is the Champion’s Road. While this isn’t quite a tournament, it is a series of events in-game and quests celebrating the new FNCS event. These quests can be completed in the tournaments being held throughout the series. It’s a nice little bonus, but not a major change to how the Fortnite esports events will work. These are a handful of free rewards you can earn by completing these quests.

That’s how the Fortnite C5 S4 Esports events will work! If you’re not consistently winning Fortnite games, you might not be able to dominate in tournaments though. Even as a spectator, it’ll be great to watch the best international players go head-to-head at the Grand Championship later this year though.

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