Aside from bringing some changes to LoL Patch 14.15, Riot Games wants to shake things up by improving Arena and in particular, the Koi Pond.
LoL Patch 14.15 – Arena changes
Just like in Summoner’s Rift, balancing is a key aspect of a game mode like Arena. Especially now that Riot has decided to bring Arena for a longer period of time (4 months), this is even more important to avoid players being frustrated at some of the overpowered or weak mechanics.
Riot Phroxzon talked about some of the upcoming changes to Koi Pond: “We are looking at these iterative improvements to the map before making any larger decisions. We know this might not be the news some wanted to hear, but we’re a little more confident at this point that we can make good headway with tuning of some of the map elements.”
In particular, the goal is to increase the Lilypad and Ring of Fire timing before closing so that it doesn’t heavily favor melee champions.
“We’ve had balance states internally tweaking with some numbers that have felt notably ranged favored and pulled back a bit from that, so we feel relatively confident that there’s a middleground here where both melee and ranged comps can shine,” he added. Below are the full changes planned.
Arena changes
Close Time: 5.4s >>> 10.8s
Respawn Time: 6.6s >>> 3.2s
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the Chemtech Blastcones would behave like a normal Blastcone after being used once
Moved the Blastcone on the North Island slightly close to the center
Blastcone cooldown: 5>>> 10s
Removed the Blastcone on the South East Island
Hexgate Cooldown: 12s >>> 8s (Koi Pond Only)
More Brush has been added to each island
Player Spawn Locations
Players can no longer spawn on the South East Island
Ring of Fire
Initial Size increased by 16% (Koi Pond only) – making it so you have more time before the initial ring starts to shrink and are able to respond
The Ring can now close on any island but it is much more likely to close on the South East Island
Clicking on an island when the Lillypad is closed will no longer cause your champion to stand still and instead will move you to the closest point on the edge of your island.
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