If you don’t know what to play against Blitzcrank, here are the best counters you should play to win more games this LoL season.

Image Credit: Riot Games

Blitzcrank counters in LoL – the top three picks

Blitzcrank is either one of the most loved or most hated supports in LoL: the amount of volatility and playmaking this champion brings to the table makes games a lot spicier. It doesn’t matter whether you are ahead or behind, as long as you manage to land a crucial hook, you can go from zero to hero in an instant.

In this guide, we will be looking at the best Blitzcrank counters, hoping it helps you whenever you’re against him in your ranked games.

If you’re fairly new to the game, check out our guide on how counter picks work in League of Legends. You will understand why counter picks are important, and how you need to take advantage of them to increase your win rate. Make sure to also understand how classes counter one another in LoL so you always know what to pick in each game.

Leona – the best counter

Based on the current meta, Leona is probably the best champion you can play into Blitzcrank. Not only is she strong in 2v2 and offers incredible engage potential, but she is also tankier than most support champions, allowing her to survive even if she gets hooked by Blitzcrank. Before she gets nerfed, abuse her as much as you can.

Braum – the alternative

If you don’t want to rely strictly on the meta champions to beat Blitzcrank, Braum is quite a versatile pick you should consider. As a natural warden who is designed to protect his allies, he can quickly act as a bodyguard for his allies. If he ends up getting hooked by Blitzcrank, the chances of him surviving are high. And right after that, he can fight back with his own abilities and crowd control.

Rakan – too mobile

Rakan is one of the most popular and evergreen champions in the support role.  He also happens to be a decent answer into Blitzcrank given his mobility in his kit and general ability to fight back. As long as you don’t get repeatedly hooked during the laning phase, you can immediately find opportunities when Blitzcrank’s Q is on cooldown. Later in the game, you can also look to take down the enemy support with some well-chained crowd controls.

Worst Blitzcrank counters

Zyra – not a great choice

While Zyra can protect herself from Blitzcrank’s Q with the plants, she is almost guaranteed to die if she ever gets hooked or caught. Given her lack of mobility, she is going to die most of the time, making her not a pick worth playing into Blitzcrank.

Karma – the worst matchup

Despite Karma potentially harassing Blitzcrank early on, it’s far too easy for the robot to punish her opponent. Karma doesn’t have crowd control to fight back (aside from her W, which won’t make a difference) and even if she manages to run away with her shields, she’ll rarely come out victorious from the matchup.

How do you counter Blitzcrank with the items?

To prevent you from losing random games and wasting time on LoL, you’ll need to think about the itemization as well. When going up against Blitzcrank, it’s mainly about finding ways to protect the allies. Below is a list of items to build you should consider, based on the class of champion you’re playing:

Bruisers: Spirit Visage, Spirit Visage
AD assassins: Edge of Night
ADC champions: Mercurial Scimitar, Guardian Angel
AP champions: Banshee’s Veil, Zhonya’s Hourglass
Tanks: Knight’s Vow, Spirit Visage, Hollow Radiance

What Champion counters Blitzcrank?

The three best counters are Leona, Braum, and Rakan. Other strong counters include Rell, Alistar, and Poppy.

Does Thresh counter Blitzcrank?

The Thresh-Blitzcrank is mainly a skill matchup. It’s easier for Blitzcrank to punish the opposing enemy, but a great Thresh player can make Blitzcrank’s life miserable. On top of that, the lantern can nullify Blitzcrank’s hook by repositioning the allies, and the passive makes Thresh scale better later in the game.

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