The latest Dota 2 Update 7.38 ships live just in time for the PGL Wallachia S3 to experience its meta. With over 90 games played, here are the top five Dota 2 heroes that you should pick for your next game.

PGL Wallachia S3 (Image credit: PGL)

PGL Wallachia S3 (Image credit: PGL)

Strongest Dota 2 Heroes of PGL Wallachia S3


We are kicking off the list with a hard support hero, Jakiro. The hero has always been a reliable hard support pick due to its innate durability and versatile skillset, comprising of AOE damage and disable. Yet, the introduction of Dota 2 Update 7.38 buffed Jakiro even further by making its formerly Facet ability, Liquid Frost, always available.

This allows Jakiro to attack using Liquid Frost, then Liquid Fire conjunctionally, to deal extra damage. Additionally, since both share the same level and cooldown of 10 seconds, it’s often max-leveled first. While this is great for laning, the other buff Jakiro received is his Ice Path, which skills with the Ice Breaker facet, makes the skill incredible.

Nature’s Prophet

Next, it’s Nature’s Prophet, as one of the most popular carry picks from Dota 2 Update 7.38, and even picked by Team Spirit themselves. Furion did receive buffs in this update, although minor ones compared to other heroes on this list of most popular Dota 2 heroes in PGL Wallachia S3.

However, due to the reformed Dota 2 map and the current meta that favors fast-paced playstyle, Furion is an ideal pick. Nature’s Prophet excels at split-pushing, which essentially allows the team to take objectives, such as pushing towers and controlling the map. The current map’s lack of outposts to teleport, makes punishing Furion by ambush, very difficult.

Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight is a no-brainer pick in PGL Wallachia S3. We already covered how he is among the strongest pick in Dota 2 Update 7.38 even since DreamLeague S25 , so pros are still loving him today.

For the uninitiated, Dragon Knight’s ultimate coupled with his Fire Dragon facet, gives his Dragon Tail ability an AOE stun due to how the AOE amplification stacks on each other. It’s an unusual bug/feature that Icefrog has yet to iron out, so it’s worth abusing it while it lasts.


When we mention fast-paced meta, we often mean chaotic fights, where today’s hero damage output is insanely high and threatening. Especially when Jakiro, a mere hard support hero, has the potential to deal high damage. But that’s not all, carries are now packing a punch, such as Muerta, Phantom Assassin and Tiny.

As such, teams in PGL Wallachia S3 are picking a durable offlane hero to soak and tank the bulk of these damages. Tidehunter’s Kraken Shell blocks damage, but is even better at what it does now, after Update 7.38. Serving as an active skill, it can now double the block amount at the cost of 40% movement speed. That sacrifice is irrelevant anyways, in team fights where Tidehunter is already at the forefront and won’t be escaping.


Abaddon is another decent offlane pick, but has proven to work as a pos-4 support pick in PGL Wallachia S3 too. It’s all thanks to his inert ability, which serves as a powerful counter against enemy carry’s lifesteal and healing capabilities. Muerta, Lifestealer and Phantom Assassin being popular hard carry picks, make Abaddon an answer towards their ability to regain health by lifesteal.

Additionally, he offers support by healing and dispel too, which comes in handy. Finally, just like the previous mention, he’s a strong damage soak with his ultimate, and even better when he gets Aghanim’s Scepter in late game.


Magnus has been so popular in PGL Wallachia S3, that he got more bans than actual picks. However, in matches, that he does get picked, he has tremendous win rates, especially with Phantom Assassin and Lifestealer. He enables these heavy damage auto-attackers to deal cleave damage, while posing as a threat that can easily teamwipe the enemy if they get caught together.

The RP into Skewer combo has been on many Dota 2 play highlights, so even in Update 7.38, teams are wary of Magnus’ potential.


As an honorable mention, Dazzle is also on the list of strongest Dota 2 heroes from PGL Wallachia S3 merely due to his ban rate. Dazzle’s new skillset, that allows him to avoid certain death by having an immune body, is just too powerful that teams do not want to deal with it.

He’s banned in 79 out of 91 games, so that’s just the legacy of how much pros hate him. However, in our average pub match, most players would be none the wiser to ever consider banning a hard support pick. Hence, he gets off scot-free from most players’ radar for you to pick him for himself.