If you have little to no clue on how to beat Janna in LoL, here are the best counters you must play to secure more wins this season.

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Janna counters in LoL – the top three picks

Among all the supports in the game, Janna is probably one of the most annoying ones to play against. Her crowd controls and ability to disrupt the enemies’ movements are frustrating most of the time, and she also happens to be strong with many ADCs in the meta.  Luckily, we got you covered: in this guide, we will look at the best Janna counters and tell you how to take advantage of her in these matchups.

If you’re fairly new to the game, check out our guide on how counter picks work in League of Legends. You will understand why counter picks are important, and how you need to take advantage of them to increase your win rate. Make sure to also understand how classes counter one another in LoL so you always know what to pick in each game.

Milio – the best counter

While Milio doesn’t necessarily punish Janna early on, he offers similar levels of peeling power and most importantly, the additional range for his allies to dish out damage before the enemies can fight back. As long as you have a strong ADC to pair with Milio, you should have a great advantage.

Thresh – the alternative

If you want to have a beefy tank support instead of an enchanter, then Thresh is probably your best shot. Thanks to his hooks, he can find the pick to shut down Janna with the combo. If he’s able to land his ultimate, Janna will struggle to run away.

Image Credit: Riot Games

Seraphine – the scaling option

Seraphine and Janna don’t really mess with one another during the laning phase, but the former gets much stronger later on in the game once she gets access to a few items. For Janna, there isn’t much she can do, especially if she gets caught by Seraphine’s ultimate.

Worst Janna counters

Brand – the worst matchup

Brand is considered quite a bad matchup into Janna mainly because she counters his burst damage with the shields and heals. Moreover, he can’t really get into a comfortable range without her potentially knocking him up and putting him into a tricky situation.

Lux – a bad choice

Similar to Brand, Lux is another champion who isn’t able to maximize her potential when facing Janna. The one thing that makes her slightly better compared to Brand is the additional range on her abilities.

How do you counter Janna with the items?

If you don’t want to waste time on LoL and lose again and again, you’ll need to think about items too. When going up against Janna, it’s recommended to stack a mix of armor and health. Below is a list of items to build you should consider, based on the class of champion you’re playing:

Bruisers: Executioner’s Calling, Chempunk Chainsword
AD assassins: Serpent’s Fang, Youmuu’s Ghostblade
ADC champions: Mortal Reminder
AP champions: Morellonomicon
Tanks: Mercury’s Treads, Trailblazer, Dead Man’s Plate

What Champion counters Janna?

The three best counters are Milio, Tahm Kench, and Seraphine. Other strong counters include Sona, Nami, and Soraka.

Does Blitzcrank counter Janna?

Blitzcrank can be a heavy counter to Janna as long as he is able to consistently land the hooks and pick her off. That said, it mostly depends on how the two supports synergize with their ADCs.

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