WoW vs. FFXIV – What Are The Differences?

World of Warcraft (WoW) and Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) are two of the biggest names in the MMORPG world, but they offer widely different experiences, especially when you pit WoW vs FFXIV directly. When you have two of the biggest MMOs in the world, there’s bound to be...

How To Cancel Your FFXIV Subscription

FFXIV is an easy game to love, but sometimes it’s just time to say goodbye and cancel your subscription. Whether you’re just not vibing with the current expansion, you don’t have time to play anymore, or your situation has just changed, sometimes it’s just time to say...

LoL Champions Height: Ordered from Smallest to Tallest

Have you ever been playing League of Legends and had the thought what is the height of the LoL champions you are playing? Don’t worry, you’re not in the minority. Countless players have queried the heights of some of the most popular champions in LoL. With Riot Games...

Delta Force System Requirements and Recommendations

If you’re looking to play this new game, then you’re going to need to know the Delta Force system requirements. The game is an upcoming free-to-play first-person tactical shooter title, and it’s a sneakily exciting release. It’s coming out at the beginning of...