Valve has released the Dota 2 Update 7.37 as the first balance update since the introduction of innate abilities and facets in 7.36.

In this update, multiple heroes received new innate abilities and even an extra third facet, which may be for the better or worse.

Dota 2 Update 7.37 (Image credit: Wykhrm Reddy)

Heroes get extra third Facet in Update 7.37

Clearly Icefrog is playing favorites with certain heroes by giving them a third Facet as an option. Some of these notable third facets are:


Bristleback got Seeing Red as its third facet. Warpath becomes an active skill that grants BB 50% bonus attack damage and bonus movement speed per stack. However, there’s a caveat, that limits his vision to a mere 90-degree cone in front of him.

Death Prophet

Death Prophet received Mourning Ritual, which is a passive ability. It delays a percentage of incoming damage, taking damage in 1-second intervals over 5 seconds. It scales with Exorcism, from delaying 20% up to 50% of incoming damage.


Doom gets Impending Doom with a fun gimmick. Every 6.66 minutes, Doom’s duration is increased by 0.66 seconds. That’s an additional 2.6 seconds of Doom by 26 minutes of the game. However, Doom will deal lesser damage per second, which is frankly a horrible facet.

Earth Spirit

Earth Spirit got Ready to Roll, which makes his Rolling Boulder even more fun and mobile. Rolling over an ally hero increases the distance he rolls, faster speed, and bonus stun duration.


Huskar receives Incendiary, which causes Burning spears to burn enemies for 1% of their max health per second. However, it comes with a massive caveat, that is a duration reduction to only 6 seconds and it now costs 4% of max health instead of current health. In other words, Huskar will self-inflict equally high damage even at low health.


Lycan’s third facet is quite a unique one, called Alpha Wolves. It gives an extra two levels to Summon Wolves, which offers Hamstring attack modifier at level 5 to the wolves that apply a root and the next 4 attacks from Lycan’s controlled units will deal additional 50 physical damage. At level 6, wolves gain Hightail, which is an active ability that grants wolves with 100% evasion, movement speed and attack speed.


Medusa has her previous facet replaced, so she still has two facet options. The new facet is Venomous Volley, which applies poison to every fifth attack, slowing enemies’ movement speed by 35%, attack speed by 80, and cast speed by 50% for 1.5 seconds.

New Innate Abilities in Update 7.37

As for Innate abilities, several of the cooler changes include:

Anti-Mage gets Persecutor innate ability, which slows enemies based on how much mana they are missing.
Earthshaker loses Aftershock for Spirit Cairn, which is a downgrade. The new innate creates a 75 radius fissure where he dies. The fissure blocks movement, provide vision, and still allows Earthshaker to gain experience.
Kunkka gets Admiral’s Rum, which serves like an Aeon Disc. When his health reaches below 65%, the innate ability triggers to provide bonus movement speed and delays 20% of damage taken over 10s.
Luna arguably got the greatest upgrade, as Lunar Blessing. It grants 1 attack damage per level to Luna and allied heroes, and 400 bonus night vision + 20 per level to Luna only. Luna, however, receives double the attack damage bonuses. At night, Lunar Blessing is global.
Phantom Lancer gets Illusory Armaments, which improves items that offer bonus damage to offer additional base damage up to 65% of the item’s default bonus damage.
Viper receives Predator innate ability, which causes Viper’s attacks to deal additional instances of physical damage per missing health percentage of his target enemy hero.

In essence, the Dota 2 update 7.37 should level the playing field for most of these heroes with their new facets and innate abilities. Catch the Elite League Season 2 live where teams are playing with the latest update.