Fortnite OG, the new permanent game mode, has already made a few substantial changes during its first season. Currently in Chapter 1 Season 1, the game mode drew some complaints from players. Epic Games has already stepped in to make some tweaks to ensure everyone is happy and that they will continue to play the game mode. Here’s what they’ve changed early on.

Fortnite OG

Image Credits: Epic Games

Fortnite OG Gets Three Tweaks

One of the chief complaints in Fortnite OG was the overall lack of skill-based matchmaking. SBMM is a staple of online multiplayer as it attempts to make sure no player is vastly overmatched in a game. There was none originally, which meant players were going up against opponents that were either way too good or way too bad for their skill level. This left those on the lower end of the spectrum unhappy.

Now, there is skill-based matchmaking. Epic Games has implemented it into the mode even though it wasn’t present in Chapter 1 Season 1 originally. Additionally, to that end, Epic Games has added bots to the mode. Bots are present in most non-competitive game modes in Fortnite, and OG is now no different. Per leaker ShiinaBR, there are up to 90 bots in a given game based on skill-based matchmaking.

Finally, the game mode now has duos. Initially, it was just solo and squads, which meant those without a third or fourth player were left out. They can now play in duos, but there is still no trios mode for now. That is likely on the way as every other game mode has it.

It wasn’t around in the original Chapter 1, but neither was some of the movement or skill-based matchmaking. It is not a one-to-one remake of the original chapter and season, with more Fortnite Chapter 1 seasons to follow after, but it’s pretty close (especially in the loot pool) and now it’s a lot simpler to win games and do well in a given match.