The newest mode to come to Fortnite is Reload. A more traditional take on Fortnite’s gameplay, it’s a version of the game focused on gunplay featuring a smaller map, 40 players, and respawns. It’s also going to be the first of Fortnite’s extra modes to get competitive events! We’re expecting Fortnite Reload Cups to begin today, and this is just a taste of a potentially wide Fortnite Reload Cups system.

This game mode has already proven pretty popular, especially with more serious players. It’s a version of Fortnite which is focused on the core items and gameplay loop. A type of gameplay that a lot of players miss in more recent Fortnite seasons. It makes perfect sense to try out some Fortnite Reload Cups. However, it’s pretty limited at first.

Fortnite Reload Cups Coming

Source: @FNCompetitive

A few Fortnite Reload Cups have just been announced. At amazingly short notice, there will be Fortnite Reload tournaments held in a couple of key regions. They’ll be taking place in only the North America and European regions of the game.

These two regions will be having two separate events. There’s a Reload Cup for Builds and Zero Builds. These tournaments will both be played in Reload, with an open Cup format. Kind of like the Ranked Cups that are held every season. One interesting thing about the rule set so far is a cap on elims. Very different from standard Fortnite, but it makes sense for a Reload event.
This isn’t the only event for the game mode though. These are just tests. If they go well, we could get a whole roster of events. This might mean Reload joins the normal competitive events and becomes a full mainstay.

Fortnite Reload Cups have the potential to join the Battle Royale events in how regular they are. Zero Build as competitive was similarly a slower mode to get going. However, Zero Build was less competitive from the beginning. Reload on the other hand is particularly popular with more serious players. Including some of the best Fortnite players. This has the potential to really open up competitive Fortnite.

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