Godzilla is poised to land on the Fortnite island tomorrow. Much like Japan in the 1950s, a giant lizard will be on the rampage, potentially destroying buildings and certainly eliminating some players. It’s poised to be one of the most difficult boss fights in the history of the game. There will be undeniably good rewards, but only for those who defeat the lizard. Unfortunately, not every match will have the chance for players to even try.

Image Credit: ONE Esports
Godzilla Won’t Be in Every Fortnite Match
Godzilla will be a Fortnite boss, but the lizard will not experience a 100% spawn rate. The latest leak from ShiinaBR ahead of the Titan’s arrival on the island suggests that it will be just like Doom Island. Doom Island was a major boss fight in Chapter 5 Season 4 that could set some players up really well to win the match. It spawned in about 10% of games in place of Loot Island.
Given that the Kaiju is a boss and not an island, it could replace the Shogun boss fight in some games. Doom Island replaced Loot Island, so Godzilla could replace another boss. Shogun does spawn naturally somewhere on the island, but the boss also has Shogun’s Arena that shows up midgame. The leak did not specify this, though.
To help combat Godzilla if it spawns, Epic Games is bringing in a few items as well. The Rail Gun, which can shoot like a sniper but through walls, is coming back. So is the Burst Quad Launcher for maximum explosive damage to the Titan. Godzilla will have a medallion that undoubtedly gives significant power to the wielder. The trailer also dropped today, and it revealed Kong as a fellow boss and new Monarch-themed Supply Drops.
The collaboration was officially confirmed by Fortnite and is set to drop tomorrow in an update, so be sure to get out there once it goes live. Just keep in mind that you’re not likely to see Godzilla every match or even that often while you’re playing.