It’s just another typical day in Dota 2 (Beta version of course), where a new high-impact bug is plaguing the game.

The new bug, dubbed the ‘Midas Bug’ is essentially an infinite gold glitch in Dota 2. Given how easy it is to replicate and abuse the bug, the current state of Dota 2 matchmaking is literally unplayable, with bug abusers ruining games and exploiting the glitch.

What is Dota 2 Midas Bug?

Hand of Midas purchased by abusers (Image credit: Dota 2)

The new bug revolves around the abuse of the item, Hand of Midas. Players, the mischievous abusers, purchase the Hand of Midas, use it once, which puts the item on cooldown, drops the item and pick it back up to find Hand of Midas off cooldown already.

And this becomes an replicable cycle of earning gold using Hand of Midas. Considering how easy it is, players are finding abusers use this bug in almost every game in the last 24 hours since the Dota 2 Midas Bug was discovered.

Valve ships a fix, but it doesn’t work

It didn’t take long for Valve to quickly ship a hot-fix for the prevalent Midas Bug. However, the patch did not completely fix the Midas bug as players were still able to replicate the bug by using a different order of buying/selling/dropping.

What makes it worse is that there isn’t just one new method of replicating the Dota 2 Midas Bug, but there were reports of multiple variations to do so.

At this point, the frustrated Dota 2 community is calling for Valve to just disable the purchase of Midas from the shop entirely, similar to how they disabled Lone Druid from matchmaking due to a bug.

What happens to Hand of Midas Bug Abusers?

Image Credit: Valve

Speaking of frustration, many Dota 2 players are also calling for Valve to punish these abusers and remove the MMR wins from their account. Several players have even volunteered to watch more Overwatch cases to catch these pesky Dota 2 Midas Bug abusers and report them.

Hence, if you are one of those Dota 2 players who did not use the Hand of Midas bug, you have our deepest respect as a Dota 2 player. Abuse aside, the recent abundance of Dota 2 bugs that have plagued the game has raised concerns among players, who think that the Dota 2 dev team’s response and action to bugs have been lagging behind recently.

At the meantime, perhaps consider checking out the new most popular game that surpassed Dota 2 in player count on Steam.

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