Prime Video has announced that its new upcoming animated anthology series, Secret Level, will officially premiere on December 10, 2024. The announcement was made during the Gamescom 2024 Opening Night live event, offering a detailed first impression in a teaser trailer. Developed by Amazon MGM Studios in collaboration with Blur Studio— acclaimed for creating the ‘Love, Death + Robots’ for Netflix, the series promises to bring together some of the most iconic video game worlds in a captivating, animated format.

Image Credits: Amazon MGM Studios

As showcased in the teaser, Secret Level will feature 15 independent episodes, each dedicated to different video game universe, encompassing classic franchises to newer hits. The project was created to appeal to both fans of the game and animation enthusiasts, featuring visually groundbreaking work that taps into beloved video game lore.

List of games in Prime Video’s Secret Level (2024)

What makes Secret Level uniquely special, however, is the expansive list of video game franchises being brought to the concept for the very first time: merging them into one single animated show. It features confirmed games such as God of War, Warhammer 40,000, Honor of Kings, Sifu, Unreal Tournament, classics like Pac-Man, and Mega Man.

Additionally, the show will feature niche titles like Exodus and Concord beside mainstream favorites like The Dungeons & Dragons, Outer Worlds 2 and Armored Core. Rest of the titles include Crossfire, New World: Aeternum, and Spelunky.

The most striking elements, perhaps, are the collaboration effort behind the curtain: its creator and executive producer is Tim Miller, the mind behind Love, Death + Robots, while Dave Wilson acts as a supervising director.

Image Ceredits: Amazon MGM Studios

Following the global success of Arcane, multiple film and OTT production giants have followed suit to bring beloved video game characters on streaming platforms.

With the successful debut of Fallout this year, which was also based on Bethesda’s iconic post-apocalyptic RPG, Prime Video is really pushing their content library with the ambiguous scope of Secret Level and end the holiday season on a high note. To learn everything else announced at Gamescom 2024 Opening Night, click here.

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