Ubisoft’s tactical shooter, Rainbow Six Siege, along with its mobile adaptation, Rainbow Six Mobile, has officially received approval for release in China, with Tencent serving as the publisher. This development is noteworthy as it includes both the PC and mobile versions, marking a strategic expansion for Ubisoft in one of the world’s largest gaming markets. Notably, there is no crossplay between the two versions.
According to a recent tweet by hesketh2, it’s expected that the Chinese versions will utilize a separate Tencent client, meaning players cannot carry progression from the global versions to the Chinese ones.
A PC version of Rainbow Six Siege has been available in China for a few years, but it had to be remade to fit within the very strict local regulations that rule over media content. These remakes usually censor graphic content such as blood, violence, or anything that might resemble gambling. The latest approval indicates that additional content or features in the game have been adapted to meet these regulatory requirements.
Future Prospects of Rainbow 6 Releasing in China
Ubisoft’s foray into the Chinese market with Rainbow Six Mobile will be a major step, as it puts forward a highly popular and competitive mobile gaming scene. Approval of the mobile version serves as an indication of great user acquisition and potential revenue from this new demographic.
International games must adhere very strictly to content review standards in order to meet the social and cultural requirements of China. The parallel approval of Rainbow Six Siege and Rainbow Six Mobile may suggest a better and changing regulatory environment that will signal a smoother, less bumpy road ahead for future foreign game releases in China.
When is Rainbow Six Mobile Releasing?
Previously slated for a 2024 release , both Rainbow Six Mobile and The Division Resurgence are expected to be delayed until 2025, as confirmed in a quarterly press conference. The delay stems from technical challenges with an outdated engine that limits optimization, particularly affecting medium to low-end devices.
Despite alpha and soft launch testing, performance issues require engine updates and extensive troubleshooting to enhance future game performance and support upcoming updates.
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