What are Fortnite Smart Edits? One of the weirder introductions in the new Chapter is this little setting. A new accessibility or gameplay choice, something which in theory should make builds and build fighting much different for players who don’t normally engage. They aren’t exactly going to be ran all over the biggest tournaments, but for the rest of the player base Fortnite Smart Edits might be a good thing to turn on.

This new setting was snuck in with the Fortnite Chapter 6 update, giving us a different way to edit our builds. With so much other new stuff in that update, a lot of players didn’t really focus on the Smart Edits. However, if you try them out there are clearly some situations where they might be a big help. It’s a feature that automates your edits, which for some players could make a big difference. How do they work and should you be using them?

Fortnite Smart Edits

Source: Epic, screenshot esports.net

What are Fortnite Smart Edits?

The Fortnite Smart Edits are a new feature you can use. Players can find it in their Fortnite settings. Once turned on, they replace the edits that you’d normally use in Battle Royale. They won’t make much of a difference to normal Zero Builds games. However, for build players that aren’t quite that cracked, they could be a big deal.

How Do They Work?

Fortnite Smart Edits

Source: Epic, screenshot esports.net

Smart Edits replace the normal edit system once they’re turned on. Rather than inputting your edits using the grid, you just hit the edit button. The game then automatically places an edit for you.

It decides which of the edits to use based on where you’re looking. This can feel a bit unintuitive at first. However, if you head into a Fortnite Creative map and try it out, it’s easy to figure out where you need to look.

They largely work quicker than editing manually for most players, since it’s just a single button press. However, those who are totally cracked with edits will likely do better not giving up control. The Fortnite Smart Edits are great for some players, but there are some bigger downsides to keep an eye on.

The Drawbacks

Fortnite Smart Edits

Source: Epic, screenshot esports.net

The biggest drawback with smart edits is the lack of control. You’ll need to trust the smart system to pick the right edit for you. Because if it gets it wrong, the edits are much slower than they could be otherwise.

Once you get one wrong, you essentially have to go through three more edits. One to reset, a wait in between, followed by a new fresh edit. It’s quite a bit slower than doing it manually and correctly the first time.

Fortnite Smart Edits

Source: Epic, screenshot esports.net

The biggest solution to this is to get to know the smart edit system and ensure you’re looking in the right direction. However, it’ll never quite be better than editing traditionally quickly enough.

Who Should Use Fortnite Smart Edits?

Fortnite Smart Edits

Source: Epic, screenshot esports.net

The Fortnite Smart edits can be quite a good system, for some players. Really there for those who never quite cracked editing. Even if you’re relatively okay at editing, using it in pub matches successfully, it could be a lot quicker to use smart edits. However, they’ll probably never make the level of the FNCS or the best Fortnite players. For a lot of people though, Fortnite smart edits might be the way to go instead of grinding in creative to master the mechanic.