Death, taxes, and T1 winning Worlds. The certainties in life. T1’s fifth World Championship trophy extends Faker’s insurmountable lead as the greatest player of all time and firmly cements the roster as the second T1 dynasty.

The road there wasn’t easy with the lineup never able to find domestic dominance to match their international prowess having won more World Championship titles than LCK trophies in their three years together.

This time last year the team seemed nailed-on to split, but their miraculous Worlds run saw the roster re-sign for another season. Now they’re in the same boat once against with 4/5 of the roster’s contracts ending imminently.

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But before the players think about their future plans, they may first wonder what their next goal even is now that they’ve just won LoL esports’ grandest prize for two years running.

T1 Gumayusi Keria

Image credit: Riot Games

T1 on seeking new motivation and cementing their personal GOAT status

Speaking to the media after the historic win, the players were asked to speak on their new motivations, with Zeus quickly pointing out that new motivation isn’t even necessary as he still has the hunger.

“I don’t think I even need to put in more effort to find my motivation because I still want more.”

Jungle Oner still felt that he could take things further, picking out a future Worlds final MVP award as something he’s striving for, while Gumauysi highlighted the potential standing as “the best of the best” either “career-wise or performance-wise” as something he still craves.

That question was specifically not aimed at Faker who has shown time and time again to still find the motivation to keep winning despite having lifted every trophy already.

After all, when you’ve won four World Championships, why not go for a fifth? Why not a sixth in 2025?

For Faker, he was instead quizzed on the series itself, asked to pick out what he thought was his best play during the 3-2 win.

“So in game number four there was a play that I made with Sylas. I initiated a team fight with a very intuitive move and then the follow-up from my teammates was also very on point. So I think that was a pretty much an iconic moment.”

Worlds 2024 T1 press conference

The GOAT was also asked who he thinks should be in line to be the next inductee in the Hall of Legends for 2025 after he himself was the first player immortalized in the  brand new Hall of Fame.

In typical fashion, Faker continued his common habit of giving the most heartwarming answer to any question by, in this case, preferring not to name any specific players, but instead focusing on the fans.

“To be frank, I am not sure. But I think the inductees for Hall of Legends definitely need to be loved by the fans. So I can say that the next one will also be the fans’ favourite.”

Lastly, coach kkOma, who on the day won his fourth World Championship, was asked what makes T1’s famous ZOFGK lineup so special having now won back-to-back titles to become one of the great League of Legends rosters.

“Individually all five members are just so talented. They’re great in every aspect.”

Given the concise response, it can be assumed that the legendary coach was, deservedly, keen to wrap up the media duties and get started with the title celebrations.

Read next: Riot Games reveals LoL Worlds 2025 location