Fortnitemares 2024 has been hit with a bit of a delay, but that’s meant we’ve gotten an earlier look at the full trailer for the event. This has included some of the new items we’re due to get for Fortnitemares, but also a hint at some upcoming skins we’re expecting to see in the game’s item shop. One of the most exciting of these is the Fortnite Disney Villain Skins that have popped up.

These latest Fortnite collab skins were first teased before the launch of the current season. We’d known we’d be getting a handful of Disney Villain skins, but just how they’d be done was a mystery. We’ve now gotten a proper look at them.

It seems these skins will be arriving soon! Their designs might be a bit different to what some fans were expecting too, with some fairly major changes to how the characters were expected to look.

Fortnite Disney Villain Skins

For a while now we’ve known three different Fortnite Disney villain skins were coming. How they’d be approached was a mystery so far. However, with the new Fortnitemares 2024 trailer we’ve had a decent look at the three characters. These are the skins we’re getting at the moment:

Cruella De Vil
Captain Hook

Source: Epic

These three villains will join the Fortnite Item Shop in the coming weeks. However, their designs are a bit different. They aren’t the same kinds of skins as the Fortnite Incredibles collab though. Instead, the characters have been reimagined for Fortnite rather than directly translated.

One thing that’s easy to notice is they’re younger and less distinct looking. They have a much more Fortnite art style, looking like Fortnite characters in costume. Some have also been toned down quite a bit. Captain Hook is maybe the most authentic skin, but even he looks significantly younger and with a more standard Fortnite hitbox shape.

Anyone hoping for super-accurate versions of these characters might be out of luck with this update. However, they do still look like fun additions to the world of Fortnite.

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