The Halloween festival is right around the corner and to celebrate this massive occasion, VALORANT has launched a Halloween-themed exclusive bundle known as Troublemaker. You will be surprised to know that this is the first bundle that doesn’t contain any weapon skins. Instead, it only consists of player cards, gun buddies and sprays.
So, without any further ado, let’s look at what’s in the VALORANT Troublemaker bundle, including when it goes live and how much it will cost.
VALORANT Troublemaker Bundle contents
If you’ve been playing Valorant for a while, you might know that bundles are specifically known for their glorious weapon skins, as players have little interest in other accessories. However, as we mentioned earlier, the Troublemaker bundle only contains accessories like player cards, gun buddies and sprays. Here’s the full list of items:
In and Out of Trouble Buddy (Buddies)
Bucket of Trouble Card (Player Cards)
=^._.^= Title (Player Titles)
MEOW Spray (Sprays)
It’s also worth noting that you cannot purchase the aforementioned items individually, as you only have to purchase the complete bundle. In my opinion, most players are attracted to its unique weapon buddy styles, which feature a skeleton kitty and a red glowing cat when you take a kill.
VALORANT Troublemaker Bundle price and release date
The price of the Troublemaker bundle hasn’t been revealed yet but we’re quite confident that it will be relatively cheaper than a typical weapon collection due to lack of weapon skins. When it comes to the release, it will most likely be released as a part of the VALORANT 9.07 patch on October 10, 2024.
Therefore, you have to download the 9.07 update first if you’re by any chance interested in purchasing this bundle. We also expect that Riot could give an option to purchase it by spending Kingdom credits, which is the free currency of the game. In case that happens, you can obtain all of these items without spending any real money.