Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has left waves all over India’s gaming ecosystem. Since its re-release in 2023, the game has gathered a considerable fan base and is currently one of the most popular video games in the country. During its launch, Krafton India announced the brand ambassador for the game. Let’s take a look at who the brand ambassador for BGMI is.

Who is the brand ambassador for BGMI?

Image Credits: Krafton

BGMI was relaunched in 2023 after a ban period of around a year due to alleged data privacy concerns. Once Krafton India could prove this wasn’t true, the game was relaunched on a 60-day trial period.

Following this announcement, BGMI announced the brand ambassador for the game, and it’s none other than Ranveer Singh, one of the most popular actors in India, known for his work in movies like 83 and Gully Boy. He participated in the Play Pure campaign as a part of this collaboration. This campaign aims to celebrate the uniqueness of a player’s playstyle within the game. Ranveer Singh is known in India for his unique fashion sense and unorthodox style in front of the camera. Players can also buy the actor’s voice in BGMI as a part of this collaboration.

Image Credits: Krafton India

In the past, we had a unique event concerning the Play Pure campaign. Players could get Tokens by completing various daily missions in the game which will in turn give them unique credits. They could then use these tokens to unlock unique skins within the game. It must be stated that these skins were some of the rarer ones within the community. Another aspect of this campaign was to promote fair play within the game. In the past, players have been banned from the game for using unauthorized cheats within the system.

This could be seen in the number of bans on teams participating in BGIS 2024. Krafton India did announce that during the BGMI anniversary event, there will be another edition of the Play Pure event in the game.

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