The weather and seasons system are one of the key features in the Age of Empires Mobile. You will experience the changing seasons in a game world along with unpredictable weather and extreme conditions like tornadoes and lightning. So, if you’re wondering how weather and seasons work in Age of Empires Mobile, here are all the essential details you need to know.
How the weather and seasons system works in Age of Empires Mobile
Image Credits: TiMi Studios
Age of Empires mobile has four seasons just like in the real world with each affecting the entire map in its own way.
Spring increases your citadel’s wood production.
Summer increases your citadel’s stone production.
Autumn increases your citadel’s food production.
Winter increases your citadel’s gold production.
The game also includes nine different weather effects:
Heavy fog
Snow flurry
Moderate snow
Heavy snow
Each of them impacts both visual effects and actual terrain on the world map. For example, your visibility will be limited if you’re in a foggy area. You will only be able to see fixed targets like enemy citadels and cities while their troops will be hidden in the dense fog.
Other weather effects will influence the precipitation in a region. Certain areas will also be designated as depressions sometimes. The local depressions will turn into marshes when the precipitation in a location reaches a certain level. Marshes slow down your Age of Empires Mobile’s heroes‘ marching speed and they also make them harder for enemies to detect.
Image Credits: TiMi Studios
Finally, there are two extreme weather conditions:
Both of them are Alliance skills that can be unleashed through Wonder blessings once the alliance has constructed corresponding wonders. The Alliance Management members can launch tornadoes and lightning strikes after a short preparation at a targeted location for several minutes.
It will deal damage to enemy buildings and troops. Enemies within the tornado’s range will not only take damage over time but also suffer reduced movement speed. Use it wisely to turn the tide of the battlefield. Be sure to also check out the best civilizations in Age of Empires Mobile.