In August, Fortnite Mobile made its return to iOS and Android devices. After a lengthy court battle and an even longer absence, the game was finally found on the App Store and Google Play Store once again. This was only in Europe, though. Players in other countries still couldn’t access the game on their phones without serious workarounds.

For the United States, arguably the second-largest region for Fortnite, a major update has just been revealed about the status of the mobile game.

Image Credit: Epic Games

Fortnite Mobile to Return to Android in 2025

Fortnite Mobile is coming back to devices in the United States soon. Unfortunately, you can only take advantage of this on an Android device. The Google Play Store is reportedly set to get the game back in 2025. This comes from a report from leaker ShiinaBR. The leaker said nothing concrete about iOS. They did report, however, that it’s expected that iOS will follow suit eventually. The expectation is that the return of the game to the Google Play Store will at least happen for two years, potentially more.

Fortnite has not been on iOS mobile devices since August 2020. It’s been over four years since anyone in the United States, since Europe recently got a big win in this fight, has played Epic Games’ title on their iPhone. It used to be a major market for players. It has unfortunately been lost to the battle between Apple and Epic Games.

In 2020, Epic sued Apple over their in-app purchasing methods. The way Apple did it allegedly took home some of the money that would ordinarily go to Epic, whose game is free-to-play.

The two sides went to court, with the legal system largely agreeing with Epic’s side of the case. They did force Apple to reconsider their in-app purchasing methods, so that was a win for Epic. However, the aftermath saw Fortnite removed from all iOS devices and it has not been back since. That could be changing very soon.

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