Fortnite’s had some really fun collabs for Chapter 5 Season 4’s Halloween event. However, one of the biggest new skins is yet to show up in the game’s item shop; the Leatherface Fortnite skin. Out of all the announced skins, this is one that’s gotten the most excitement from players. But when is Leatherface coming to Fortnite?

More so than a lot of standard Fortnite collabs, Leatherface is a bit unique. It’s a crossover with a particularly grizzly set of films. It’s something a bit outside of Fortnite’s comfort zone. Just like with last year’s Michael Myers, this means quite an extra bit of novelty for fans looking to stand out in Fortnite lobbies. If you’ve got V-Bucks burning a hole in your pocket, it might be getting tricky to keep saving them through so many great recent releases. When is Leatherface coming to Fortnite and how long will he be around?

Source: Epic

When is Leatherface Coming to Fortnite?

Leatherface is one of the most unique Fortnite skins in recent seasons. He’s not just here as a skin though. The character has been part of a wider collab which includes a Chainsaw item in-game. Although, it’s not like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre invented the tool. So we’ve had the in-game item for a while since the last Fortnite update, but not a good look at the skin yet.

If you’ve been asking when is Leatherface coming to Fortnite, there does seem to be a likely release date. We never know until things appear in the store, but it seems sometime between October 25-27th is the most likely.

The Fortnitemares collabs thus far have come in set waves. We get each collab, and have a few days in the spotlight, before it’s moved along to make room for the next one. Leatherface will likely be the last one of these to be cycled through the Fortnite item shop this year. He’ll arrive in the next few days, and then be leaving a little after Halloween.

If you want to pick up Leatherface, these few days of availability might be crucial! He’s unlikely to stick around after the Fortnite season ends and into Remix. You could be waiting a year or more to get another chance.