Now that the LoL Patch 14.17 has hit the live servers, it’s about time we see what changes are planned for Patch 14.18.

Image Credit: Riot Games

LoL Patch 14.18 – Getting Ready for Worlds

Patch 14.17 was officially released on August 28 and while the patch wasn’t massive in terms of changes, the update came with several tweaks to various champions. The goal was to nerf down some of the most powerful picks in professional play and some of the outliers in solo queue as well.

Additionally, Riot has been pushing to further adjust some of the key runes for marksmen champions which have dominated the meta in the higher parts of the ranked ladder.

Going into the next update, we might see more tweaks in the meta as Worlds 2024 is fast approaching. We haven’t gotten much indication of what kind of direction Riot wants to bring, but it’s unlikely we’ll see a big shift like it happened in previous years. Nonetheless, there is an increasing diversity across every role, which is a welcomed element for the biggest tournament of the year.

Patch 14.18 Release Date

According to the official patch schedule, Patch 14.18 will be released on Wednesday, September 11. This will be the 18th patch out of the 24 updates planned for the year.

How will the upcoming patch impact the meta?

Given that Patch 14.17 just came out, there is still no indication of what kind of changes are planned for the new patch. Check back in a few days’ time. In the meanwhile, find out the best champions for the current patch:

Top lane tier list
Jungle tier list
Mid lane tier list
ADC tier list
Support tier list

Patch 14.18 Tentative Changes

Champion changes in Patch 14.18

Item Changes

System changes

Upcoming skins

Attorney Azir – 1350 RP
Janitor Thresh – 1350 RP
Crystalis Indomitus Nautilus – 100 ME

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