Fortnite has plenty of mechanics players need to master, but the most basic is the storm. An ever-closing ring that narrows down the field of players. It’s a key part of a Battle Royale game. Storm Surge in Fortnite is an extra mechanic added to make the storm a bit more dangerous to some players. Although, it doesn’t pop up in every game mode. You can play for quite a while and still wonder when does Storm Surge happen in Fortnite?

If you’re just playing standard pubs games, you could play thousands of rounds and never encounter it. Watching high-level play though, like games from the best Fortnite players, and you’ll see it happen every match. When does storm surge happen in Fortnite and how does the feature work?

Source: Epic

When Does Storm Surge Happen in Fortnite?

Storm Surge is a Fortnite mechanic that only actually kicks in if you met a specific requirement. If a game’s current population (the players surviving) is higher than it should be for that storm phase, the game activates this extra mechanic to thin out the herd.

Storm Surge only happens when a game has too many surviving players. Where players have been avoiding fighting for too long, and there’s a risk of the end game being dangerously crowded. That’s the answer to when does Storm Surge happen in Fortnite Battle Royale.

In Reload, it’s a bit worse. Reload tournaments have shown the game has a storm survivability problem, where players simply camp in the storm and heal. Storm Surge now kicks in much faster in Reload and much harder.

In most Battle Royale games, you’re unlikely to run into Storm Surge. However, in ranked, high-level games, or anywhere where placement is vitally important, you might end up in a Storm Surge game.

How does Storm Surge Work in Fortnite?

That’s when does storm surge happen in Fortnite, but what does Storm Surge actually mean? Once Storm Surge is activated, they’ll be an extra mechanic in effect.

The game totals up the damage dealt to other players. It works out an average damage dealt. Any player who has dealt less damage than average will begin to receive storm surge damage

The mechanic can be a pain if you’ve been playing a more passive play style. However, it’s designed to encourage players to push fights and engage with the game. In some pros, managing storm surge is a key part of winning Fortnite games. Once it hits, you’ll need to start taking fights as soon as possible.